Wednesday 27 October 2010

Friday 15 October 2010


Today my group and I had a meeting about what we are going to produce for the Kinetic brief, we came to the conclusion that we could look at using thaumatropes and zoetropes (Victorian toys) to communicate the idea of Kinetic movement. We have said that we will be using bloom as a theme within the thaumatropes/zoetropes of different stages of the growth of flowers. Also we want to give each of the thaumatropes/zoetropes more depth and character and decided to use different types of media, colour palettes or photography. Below I have researched a zoetrope and thaumatrope to see how they work.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Photographs for Kinetic brief

Today I took a few photographs as a starting point for Kinetic brief. I looked at flowers and foliage as I think especially this time of season, the flowers and plants have a rugged and textural appearance and rot away. I took different photographs to show the various strages of growth and rotting of these flowers.

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Started my new module today which is a cross pathway project focusing on the word, "Kinetic" and we must come up with a piece(s) to display in an exhibition space in four weeks time. As a starting point my group and I have brain-stormed words and ideas linked with the work "Kinetic" which conjures up ideas of movement. Themes we have discussed are the living and dead, Victorian picture games, nature in bloom and the movement of waves. We have decided to continue researching and take photographs and possibly decide on which idea is best to pursue on Friday.

Monday 11 October 2010


I was inspired by the richness and golden colours of Klimt's work, even though I am designing for wallpaper. There is a lot I can take from his work such as the bold and luminous use of colour and the flowing, swirly patterns. There are also an array of different patterns and mar makings within the paintings.

Friday 8 October 2010

Wallpaper designs

I've tried to replicate the idea of romantic and swirling lines in my own work. I made two patterns of two different shaped roses and overlayed them, I decided to keep the roses free of colour so the lines are very suggestive and misleading and it's harder to work out the shapes of the roses.
To develop my wallpaper design I might play with the enlargement of the roses as many wallpaper prints at the moment are quite big in design and loud.

Marian Bantjes

Came across a new artist who's work is really inspiring, Marian Bantjes. She has a very feminine, fluid and flowing style of work which has romantic connotations. The simple composition of, "I Want It All" appears very delicate from the arrangement of flower petals and quite striking from the bright, luminous pink shades.
Much of Bantje's work is very graphic and illustrative and seems to tell a story from the swirling text and lines.
I've looked at some of her decorative pattern designs to help me design two wallpapers for the Miss Print brief as her style is contemporary and quite kitsch, similar to that of Miss Print.