Tuesday 8 May 2012

Final scarf!

I have completed my final scarf! It was a long and sometimes frustrating process but I am happy with the overall result!
There were a few problems along the way which I had to resolve such as rolling the seam and stitching it, a very fiddly job and also had to make sure I selected the right stitch tension on my machine, as the fabric at one point kept getting chewed up. It was quite a task working on such a bigger scale when painting my design onto the screen, as I'm so used to working on a smaller scale. Also the large size of the screen meant I had to keep rotating it so I could reach the top of it to paint my design. I needed help when printing onto the fabric as the screen needed to be held in place as I used the squegee. Fortunately my design did not come out smudged because I had help holding down the screen. However there was a slight pink tinge down the centre of the scarf when I removed the screen but I think it works with a hint of colour in the background to correspond with the pinks and purples of the lilies. The only other problems I encountered was the time it took to dry, then fix in the steamer then wash and allow to dry, the size meant it would take double the time for these tasks to be completed as opposed to my smaller sample sizes.
 I am very happy with the way the design falls when draped around the neck as it has a flowing and trailing effect with hints of the different colours. The size of the scarf works really well too as it is more versatile to style i.e tie around the neck in a knot or worn hanging either side.
The design is also versatile enough to be a pattern on a maxi dress with the way it falls down the silk too. If I was to design this scarf again I would possibly introduce a background colour so dye the silk before printing onto it. The design is quite striking on the blank background though I think a soft, pastel colour could add a more deep and vibrant character to the design.