Tuesday 18 October 2011

Portfolio feedback - Nicky Sharp

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Recently I spoke to Nicky Sharp, a freelance designer (who I also met a few months back) about improving my portfolio and what kind of styles and themes my work is suited to.
I found her comments and advice extremely useful especially from a designer who has worked in the industry as well as freelance work. Below is a snippet of Nicky's comments about three pieces of my work (which I have posted above)

Image 2 - It is a bit stiff but I like the watery quality of the petals. Perhaps create more images and create an allover. I have attached a jpeg (idea 4 for image 2). I like the splashy flowers at the top and bottom of the image and like the way flowers overlap and flow into each other. Put new images on to separate transparent layers in Photoshop and try over lapping them see if it works.
Image 3 - "I like this and it has a lot of potential. It would be nice as a vertical trail repeating. See jpeg (layout 1). The simplicity is nice but it could also be developed further by building up the trails with the addition of leaves and maybe some outline imagery. Put new selected images on separate transparent layers to see how you could work them together."
Image 4 - "Could be nice developed as in jpeg (layout 3 for outline design). Could add background and texture for extra dimension and depth."
Image 5 - "This is nice. I found an image that is similar that you could use for a layout, jpeg (layout 2). It could also be developed as a vertical trail."
Nicky also emailed me a few images (below) as inspiration and ideas to help me form certain styles, also to visualize how patterns/motifs can be applied in garments or interiors.

Idea 4

Layout 3

Idea 2

Layout 2

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