Tuesday 8 November 2011

Printing samples and experiments...

Silk screen print

Heatpress transfer

Heatpress transfer

Two Layered silk screen pieces

Two layered silk screened pieces

I’ve been busy in the print room the past couple of days! After spending much time painting and collecting various bits and bobs for primary research I felt ready to get on with some printing. I have been experimenting with various designs, motifs and colours using heat press transfer print and silk screen printing. I choose these two methods as I like the see through and trailing appearance and often ghostly effect the print can give. I also put the mirror effect techniques to good use and continued my theme into colour.
The transfer print of the roses motif worked considerably well and I think the strong red outlines are very bold, I’d like to pursue this one as a repeat print. Perhaps a nice silk scarf? Though the top image of the blue flowers could work better if it were to be repeated multiple times, thus giving a fading and disappearing effect.

Unfortunately, I feel that some of my transfer prints ended up a little too ghostly and quite transparent! I think that I probably didn’t use enough dye and mix it enough, however these ghoulish pieces compliment very well when layered on top of each other (like I have done in the photograph of the silk prints) as you can see subtle lines and colours peering underneath. Maybe this could be an idea to use when mounting work and presenting? I think to push these designs a little further I could do with repeating a motif several times as the blank white background is a little plain. I think I could see these prints working well on silk scarves as well as print for a dress, so looking into how print can be applied like border, repeat, motif are things to consider when designing a final outcome too.

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