Sunday 26 February 2012

Work experience...

Last week I did two days work experience interning at a luxury organic cotton fashion brand. I have never had any experience in the design or fashion industry before so it was brilliant to have the chance to experience what goes on.
My first day involved meta tagging for the website, which meant entering a brief product description, the website page and typing in key words that people may type into a search engine, when looking for a particular product.
Another task I had to do for updating the website was selecting three other garments or accesories to match the product being described. For instance adding a scarf, clutch bag, white t shirt to match a boyfriend jacket, which would then show these images at the bottom of the page to encourage shoppers to pick something as well as the jacket.
In the afternoon I had to alter photographs of a couple of products on Adobe Photoshop (which I was not use to at first as it was different to using Photoshop on a mac!) this I felt happy with where my skills and knowledge of Photoshop could come into play. However, I found it fairly tricky remembering how to type in the quantity of stock, type of colours available and sizes available.
I enjoyed my time working at a fashion company and will consider this area as a possible job after graduating, though unfortunately as it was based quite far away and hard to travel to I could not carry on with interning. Travel and travel expenses will also impact where I will look for work too so I have enough time to get there and it is not too costly .

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