Tuesday 14 February 2012

Portfolio Visit - Jane Bews

For my second portfolio visit I spoke to Jane Bews B' Ed Hons Design & Technology. Jane is a local freelance designer and works full time as a teacher at an independent primary school. I wanted to speak to Jane who is from a different design background having studied Design and Technology, so I could see from a different designers perspective.
I collated a couple of sketchbooks together from my negotiated brief as I thought some of the pages were a Graphic design style which might interest Jane. Also in my portfolio, (as well as current sheets from Final Major Project) were a few design development sheets with portfolio bedding designs, which Jane commented on saying, "I really liked the bedding designs and would happily buy it should it go into production!" Which was very flattering feed back!
Jane thought my sketchbook from the Negotiated Brief was especially interesting and full of experimental media and colour ranges, which is important to explore when going through the design thought process. Jane also said, "A lot of time, thought and effort has gone into this portfolio so far." Improvements however, Jane thought maybe investing in a larger A1 portfolio and dividing different design sheets from each other to make my portfolio more professional and better presented. Another suggestion from Jane was to look into fashion prints as she thought my designs had a colourful and playful style. This I will hope to push forward with my Final Major Project, although I intend to look at scarf designs I will look into the possibility of fabric prints for fashion garment i.e dresses.

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