Monday 12 December 2011

Portfolio Feedback - Shelia Heritage

Watercolour from sketchbook

Silk screen print

Design development board, heat press and silk prints

Mood board

For my second portfolio feedback visit I spoke to Shelia Heritage, a freelance wallpaper designer. Shelia keeps her work traditional, designing all of her wallpapers by hand using pencils and paints. I thought it would be very useful to get feedback from Shelia as I would really like to go freelance with my work.
We spoke firstly about my fabric prints, ranging from screen prints, discharge, silk screen printing and heat press; which she thought due to the bright colours that my style would be very much suited prints in fashion.  Also the subjects I used, florals, are always going to come in and out of fashion and interiors and that I had a good eye for selecting these.
Secondly we moved on to my presentation and how Shelia thought it looked. Shelia thought I had a good eye for composition and thought my mood boards and development boards were neatly presented; also that the way I had overlapped papers and drawings gave more depth and texture. However this could be improved by taking care of the papers and cards used to mount work, as some of them were a little creased and bent.
In terms of developing my work to a more professional standard Shelia recommended that I continue to keep up to date with current and future trends, as it is always important to be a bit ahead of what is going on in the design world.  Also to look more at the placement of a design and how it would fit in with the garment or interior, some of my designs are randomly scattered as opposed to sticking to an appropriate placement like half drop repeat or a border design.  Shelia mentioned that if I wanted to go freelance it is tricky and to bear in mind the client you are designing for, to keep designing and not to stick to the same style too much.

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