Thursday 26 April 2012

Final scarf piece - the process!


Over the past couple of days I have made a start on my final scarf piece which has been quite hard to say the least! The Habotai silk I used is a square meter in size ,which first of all involved folding over the edges and pinning in place which took a while! After pinning I then used an iron to carefully iron the folded edges in place, the frayed edges were still visible so I then folded the edges over once more and pinned in place. It took quite a while on my sewing machine to stitch the seam as I had to keep changing the tension on the dial of my sewing machine as it kept eating up my silk! Though carefully retrieved my eaten fabric and started again with a looser tension and a very fine straight stitch.
My next task was painting my Lily design onto a very large screen, this was quite tricky as I had to keep rotating the screen so I was able to cover the whole area of the screen with my design. After much time drying I used a squeegee to print the design onto the silk. I taped my fabric to some paper and rolled around a tube to be put in the steamer for fifteen minutes to completely fix my design onto the silk. At the moment my crinkly silk needs washing in cold and hot soapy water to get rid of excess dyes, which I will wash at home as it's fairly big enough to hang out on the washing line!

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