Tuesday 24 April 2012

Online portfolio and selling my work...

I have recently created an online portfolio of my work which is....


At the moment I have just made a portfolio of my my final major project work so I can upload primary photographs, drawings, paintings, fabric print samples etc but I hope to add previous works to my account soon and also my handmade cards.
Also I'm going to create an Etsy account to promote my handmade cards and hopefully sell them. It will also give me an idea of what it is like to sell online, keeping track of orders and sending cards. Selling online also gives me the benefit of a larger audience (The Teenage Market quite limited to buyers) and so my designs need to be more varied and look at designing a new range of hand made cards for pother audiences. I will look at expanding my greetings cards for other occasions such as engagements, new house and sympathy cards.
Another way to sell and promote my work is speaking face to face with shop owners and asking if they would be interested in selling my cards, the downside to this is that they could take a large amount of commission, however this will be a good way to get my work around. In the next two weeks I will aim to get this done!

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