Sunday 1 April 2012

The Teenage Market stall....

Just got back from The Teenage Market today and had quite a successful day! Sold half of my greetings cards and a couple of fashion illustrations which was brilliant as I thought I was going to come home with a huge surplus of stock! I have never had a market stall before so this was very new to me, I felt a little self conscious doing a stall on my own but found it easy talking to people who asked about my cards. I also enjoyed having my own stall as I was able to present my cards and signs however I liked, more importantly I had to layout my cards to appeal to the public and keep re arranging them when people bought things or picked them up.
It was a lovely day packed with a variety of stalls including second hand clothing, jewellery, photography, printed t shirts and some tasty looking cup cakes! It was nice having people looking at my work and getting it out there, people were very nice and someone suggested that I should make more of my good luck cat card! It also helped seeing what sold well or did not sell in order to have enough stock for next time. The cards which sold well were the watercolour florals of sweet peas and tulips (so in future stalls will produce a lot more of this particular design), I was quite surprised that my biro drawings of florals didn't sell to well as I thought the textures and shades were quite striking. the greetings cards with the drips of paints falling down the page sold fairly well to but I think I could develop those into a more busier card as they are quite simple against the blank background.
For future stalls I think I would maybe produce watercolour paintings of my flowers and possibly bigger fashion illustrations as they could work well as paintings, this would also mean I could charge more for paintings due to the larger scale of the work. It would have been nice to suspend my cards against the back wall so people would be able to see my work from a distance (attract more buyers).
Taking part in The Teenage Market has given me more confidence to take part in future fairs and to be able to talk about my work more openly, it was also reassuring to know that people would buy my work and speaking to people helped me find out their dislikes and likes with designs. This has given me a head start to think about how I will present my space at the degree show soon and what to include such as, layout, business cards, illustrations etc.
I really enjoyed the experience and a great way to publicise your work, now I need to start making more and find another craft fair!

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